Privacy Policy

Dr Donegan’s practice is committed to providing high quality health care to its patients. Principals and staff of the practice recognise the importance of ensuring that patients are fully informed and involved in their healthcare.

As a health provider in the private sector, Dr Donegan’s practice is bound by the National Privacy Principles. These principles set the standard by which the practice handles personal information that is collected from our patients.

As part of our commitment to providing quality health care, it is necessary for us to maintain files that relate to your health. The files contain the following types of information:

  • Personal details (your name, date of birth, address and health fund number);
  • Your medical history;
  • Notes made during the course of medical consultations;
  • Referrals to other service providers;

Results and reports received from other health service providers.

The information held about you is either provided by you or arises as a consequence of information provided by you.

Your medical file is handled with the utmost respect for your privacy. It will be accessed by your medical practitioner and when necessary, (for example, in the absence of your usual medical practitioner) by other medical practitioners in the practice.

It may also be necessary for our practice staff to handle your file from time to time. Our staff are bound by strict confidentiality requirements.

Ordinarily, we will not disclose the contents of your medical file to any third party. However there may be circumstances which require the release of information from your file, without having obtained your consent. This will be, for example where the law requires disclosure, pursuant to a subpoena, or summons for production.

We advise that as a patient of this practice, you have the right to access to any information that we hold concerning you.

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